Wheelchair Seating & Accessories
Pressure Care & Seating
From Bespoke Mobility UK

Did You Know?
Did you know…? The body is not designed for sitting, therefore, specially designed support surfaces such as wheelchair seat cushions and back supports may be required to prevent postural collapse, orthopaedic deformity and skin breakdown. All of our products that we supply are made from the very best materials available and the highest quality, We offer a vast range of bespoke seating solutions that come in a variety of options from low, medium, high to very high risk pressure relief cushions and wheelchair back supports for those who require more complex seating solutions, ensuring you’ll find what you what your looking for.
For more information feel free to call or simply email us to arrange your Free No obligation home assessment and demonstration.
If you’re looking for a new wheelchair cushion or supportive back — you’re in the right place.
Pressure Relief Cushions

Wheelchair Cushion

JAY Union
Wheelchair Cushion

JAY Xtreme Active
Wheelchair Cushion
Stable, pressure relieving and exceptionally comfortable.
The JAY ION is a medium risk skin protection cushion offering enhanced stability and comfort based on fundamental seating principles and advanced design technology from high end cushions such as the JAY Balance.
The perfect combination of foam and fluid
The JAY UNION is a medium to high risk skin protection cushion offering enhanced stability and comfort based on fundamental seating principles and advanced design technology from the JAY Balance.
Increased skin protection for active wheelchair users.
The JAY Xtreme Active is a lightweight and low profile wheelchair cushion for active performance and easy transfers.
High Risk Cushions. A choice of gel and air-filled cushions for clients at high risk of sheer and skin breakdown